Your Next 10 B2B Consulting Opportunities are Waiting...

In this FREE “LinkedIn Leverage” course I will reveal EXACTLY how my students and I generate consulting opportunities every month on LinkedIn... WITHOUT endless pitching, relentless follow-up, or spamming decision-makers till they hate you.

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Your Next 10 B2B Consulting Opportunities are Waiting...

On this page, I’ll reveal EXACTLY how my students and I generate at least 10 B2B consulting opportunities per month on LinkedIn... WITHOUT endless pitching, relentless followup, or spamming decision-makers till they hate you.

Dear Friend,

On December 12, 2018, I posted a video on LinkedIn.

This ONE video brought in 3,728 interested leads.

And, a lot of those leads became clients for our flagship program, the 90 Day Pipeline.

And since then, the LinkedIn platform has changed…

And the strategies needed to generate B2B consulting opportunities on LI have changed…

But LinkedIn has become a CORE part of how we land deals at my firm, and how we teach our students to land clients for theirs.

[ testimonials ]

Here's What Our Client Say...

Nicole Mitchell went from “Unknown” to “Chased down by decision makers” all through her LinkedIn content
Mohammed Faridy previously had little or no time to focus on marketing… and now gets flown in to the boardrooms of top firms to meet with decision-makers.
Chad Prinkey recently made 300k in 60 days… 100k of that from a decision-maker who noticed his thought leadership on LinkedIn and reached out.
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My Name is Ahmad Munawar, and I’ll Show You EXACTLY How To Land Your Next 10 B2b Consulting Opportunities on LinkedIn.

In the past 3 years alone my firm, Boutique Growth, has coached, trained and mentored 800+ consultants on the art of generating opportunities and landing deals. 

Now, I want to invite you into a FREE course where I reveal our exact process for generating B2B deals on LinkedIn – without spamming, harassing, relentless follow up, or using unethical techniques

“But Ahmad, LinkedIn Doesn’t Work for Me”

If you aren’t sure you can get great results with LinkedIn, or you’ve tried before and the results have been lackluster, I get it.

ESPECIALLY because recent changes to the platform have made most tactics obsolete.
Gone are the days where you could rely on LinkedIn groups, or spectacular “reach” on your organic posts.

And ESPECIALLY gone are the days where you could simply message a pitch to 50 people a day and expect to get somewhere. 
The problem is because most LinkedIn courses and gurus are invested in getting you using their “thing” or their “tactic” as fast as possible.
So they teach a “numbers” strategy…

Whereby you pitch 500 people and maybe 1 or 2 get back to you...

Whereas the remaining 498 block you or send angry messages.

And, if you want controllable, predictable, consistent client generation…
It’s completely unsustainable.
Over the last few years, I’ve watched LinkedIn and Marketing “gurus” come and go. They all teach some variation of what I just mentioned above -- the “numbers” game.

But one interesting thing I’ve observed is that even if they DO get clients…

They tend to be less-than-ideal clients. One might even say “toxic.”

Price-negotiators and scope creepers are just the start.

And that’s because REAL decision makers at big firms are not going to respond to your cold pitch in their LI inbox. They just aren’t. It’s never happened and it never will.

 “Okay Ahmad...So what’s the solution?” 

Because we’re talking about LinkedIn here, it may be surprising to note that I am actually not a LinkedIn guru. I’m not a LinkedIn coach.

I do teach B2B consultants how to predictably fill their pipelines and win deals, and using LinkedIn is PART of that process.

But the way we use LinkedIn is MUCH different than what most coaches teach.

In fact, it’s a little counterintuitive.

Because it requires less actual “hustle” than the “numbers game.”

And MORE expertise.

In other words, ONLY expert consultants who ACTUALLY have something to offer can use this method with any success…

But if you DO “get it,” you’ll be amazed at how simple and effective the actual process is.

That’s because we focus on getting the RIGHT message in front of the RIGHT prospect at the right time…

Which is MUCH better and less wasteful than the numbers game.
For a long time, I’ve kept our specific way of doing things close to the chest.

It was ONLY for clients who paid thousands for the 3-month program.

And so we’ve been quietly optimizing this process… refining it… and making sure that it can work for ANY consultant in the B2B space.

Until finally... with the recent updates to the LinkedIn Platform… and consultants struggling to land deals…
I decided to wrap up the ENTIRE training into a single workshop.

Here’s Just a Preview of the LinkedIn Leverage Course:

  • Pillar One: Your Power Profile.
    A lot of people fill their profile with their titles, where they went to college, their letters, work history, etc etc... which is exactly what NOT to do. I'll show you exactly what to write on your LinkedIn Profile and how to write it so that you get attention and stand out to decision makers.
  • Pillar 2: Magnetic Outreach.
    If I look in my inbox right now, it's FULL of cold pitches and marketers asking me to get a "virtual coffee." I'll show you how to NOT be one of those people... and how to get decision makers reaching out to YOU instead. (Like a magnet).
  • Pillar 3: Disruptive Insights.
    Most LinkedIn content sounds very same-y and frankly, boring. I'll tell you how to produce content specifically geared toward your industry and niche that makes big players sit up and take notice.
  • Pillar 4: Opportunity Engineering
    Why try to be everything to everyone? I'll show you how to pick out the 20% of opportunity worth focusing on... meaning no more time wasted trying to connect with randoms, and more time spent reaching decision makers. 

“Is that All?”

Nope. Here’s what else we’ll show you:
  • How Clients Buy Consulting or Professional Services
  • The #1 mistake consultants / service providers make when “selling”
  • 3 secret signals buyers are looking for before having a conversation with you 
  • ​​What separates top producing firms from everyone else
  • The New LinkedIn Playbook for a Post-Spam Era 
  • How to adapt to LinkedIn’s new outreach restrictions
  • ​​Why cold outreach still works (when done with the right intent)
  • 3 step playbook for turning cold leads into red hot opportunities
… And again, it's completely FREE.

You can go ahead and register here:

"But Ahmad, What About Bonuses?"

Glad you asked. Register for our free course and you’ll get access to the following bonuses:

Bonus #1: Case Study

We are also giving away a FREE case study from a consultant, Ed, who booked 89 calls in 2 weeks on LinkedIn. We'll take you through exactly what he did, and show you how to do the same (hint: it's basically just following what you'll learn in the course).

Bonus #2: Hot Seat Sessions

Second, we will also be giving away the recordings of our "hot seat sessions." During these sessions, Ahmad thoroughly assessed the marketing and sales systems for a number of firms and gave his unbiased recommendations for improvement. You'll have access to each one so you'll be better equipped to assess your own firm and act accordingly. 

"But Ahmad, What About Bonuses?"

Glad you asked. Register for our free workshop and you’ll get access to the following bonuses:
© Boutique Growth 2023. All rights reserved.
This site is not a part of the FacebookTM website or FacebookTM Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by FacebookTM in any way. FACEBOOKTM is a trademark of FACEBOOKTM, Inc. In the nature of transparency and authenticity, we do make a special offer at the end only if you'd like help actually implementing these tactics and strategies. Is it required? Absolutely not. Will you receive value & insight even if you don't want to speak together? 100% yes. Some people will take this online training, implement it by themselves, and see great breakthrough. Some people will see what's possible, and know that working together is just what they need to get results even faster. It's completely up to you but we hope that you'll at least participate in the free training, use it, and let us know what you think!

DISCLAIMER: This is NOT a get rich quick scheme. The sales figures stated on this landing page and discussed in this training are our personal sales figures and in some cases the sales figures of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys “how to” information gets little to no results. We’re using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT ATTEND THIS TRAINING.

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