How Top 1% Consultants Win 5 & 6 Figure Deals Every Single Month on LinkedIn
> Watch this 18 minute video for a high level overview of the process <

🔸 [Special Offer]: Give us 30 minutes and we'll go through your LinkedIn account, profile, marketing efforts, messaging, offer, and more for free (qualification required) - Claim Yours



📗 The B2B Consultants LinkedIn Playbook
for a Post Spam Era:

Part 1: How Clients Buy Consulting or Professional Services:

#1: The Big Shift in Selling Professional Services (Ignore This And Nothing Else Will Work)

There’s an “old way” and a “new way” to sell professional services. If you’re trying to make LinkedIn work the “old way” – your results are probably disappointing. The good news is the “new way” is actually far easier and more effective. 

#2: Seven Keys to a B2B Buying Decision (This is the Foundation of Your Marketing System)

How do your clients make buying decisions? What process do they go through? What steps do they take? Understanding how B2B clients arrive at purchasing decisions is the key to unlocking your LinkedIn strategy. 

Part 2: The New LinkedIn Playbook for a Post-Spam Era (Part One):

#3: Power Profile – How to Position Yourself as the Expert Clients Desperately Need

If you’re selling B2B, the LinkedIn profile is your most valuable marketing asset (not your website, or any other digital property). But does your LinkedIn profile give prospective clients what they need to know to conclude that you’re the right choice? Or are you simply too easy to click away from and ignore? Watch this video to find out. 

#4: Magnetic Outreach – How to Curate a High Value Network of Prospective Clients

Once your LinkedIn profile is optimized for conversion, you’ll need to bring more of the right people into your network. Think of LinkedIn as your own private networking event where you get to decide who is in the room. Build the room properly and you’ll have an endless audience of perfect prospects to engage. 

Part 3: The New LinkedIn Playbook for a Post-Spam Era (Part Two):

#5: Disruptive Insights – How to Build Trust With Prospects & Stand Out From the Crowd

When you’re selling to the cold market, your credibility will not be assumed. In fact, it will be challenged and questioned. The onus is on you, as the seller, to not merely claim expertise — but to demonstrate expertise. This is the key to nurturing relationships with prospective clients on LinkedIn.

#6: Opportunity Engineering – How to Take Prospects from “Ice Cold” to “Red Hot”

The worst thing you can do on LinkedIn is ask a cold connection for a meeting. Not only does it not work, it also makes you look like a desperate spammer. But how can you help the right prospects take the next step with you without spamming your entire network? Watch this video to find out. 

👇 Claim Your FREE 👇
LinkedIn Strategy Consultation

This FREE 1:1 LinkedIn Strategy Call will be 30 minutes of you sitting down with an analyst and going through your LinkedIn account, profile, marketing efforts, messaging, offer, and more.

This is a limited opportunity to talk LinkedIn strategy one-on-one with us.

Who it’s for:

👉 You use LinkedIn to land B2B deals
👉 You aren’t getting the visibility you want
👉 You feel “lost in the crowd” when it comes to getting clients
👉 You realize you need more opportunity in the pipeline but don’t know how to get it

You will walk away with GUARANTEED clarity around what to fix and where the opportunities are.

👇 Check to see if you qualify for a session 👇

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